miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Michelle Bachelet Jeria, First Chilean woman president.

Veronica Michelle Bachellet Jeria.

Term of office: 11 March 2006 - March 11, 2010
Birth: Santiago, Región Metropolitana, September 29, 1951
Political Party: PS
Profession: Medical doctor

The Pediatrician who got the first Chilean presidency in a chauvanistic society.
Her main purpose was insert Chilean women to the world of the work and give economical and social equalities.

Her government was a big impact nationally and internationally and enhancing the role of women, not only as mothers but as working through the personal development of each one of them.

1 comentario:

  1. I think that all the chilean people feel proud because of this the fact of having the first female president in south america is something really important. According to the popular opinions she made an excellent job.
    Really interesting the information about this woman

