miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Chile as a Country

Chile,called officially The Republic of Chile is a country in south america between the andes mountains to the east of the pacific ocean to the west. It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake passage in the far south.
Today,  with approximately 17 million of inhabitants Chile is one of South America's most stable and prosperous nations and a recognized Middle power 
The central valley is characterized by several species of cactus, the hard espinos, the Chilean pine, and the Copihue a red bell-shaped flower that is Chile's national flower.
Althought Church and state are officially separet in Chile ,Religion still alive.

Michelle Bachelet Jeria, First Chilean woman president.

Veronica Michelle Bachellet Jeria.

Term of office: 11 March 2006 - March 11, 2010
Birth: Santiago, Región Metropolitana, September 29, 1951
Political Party: PS
Profession: Medical doctor

The Pediatrician who got the first Chilean presidency in a chauvanistic society.
Her main purpose was insert Chilean women to the world of the work and give economical and social equalities.

Her government was a big impact nationally and internationally and enhancing the role of women, not only as mothers but as working through the personal development of each one of them.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

The role of Chilean Woman.

Over the years the role of the women as too many others aspects have changed.
Chile the country almost at the end of the world has lived some important changes according to the role of the woman.
At the beginning of the twenty century this role started to change, women were little by little getting into the world of the work and in the 1949 women were allowed to vote.
Although no everything was as simple as giving the right to vote, because Chilean society were still chauvinistic, people thought women were just able to be the housekeeper, and their worries were their chlidren and all domestic things. So this change of pushing women into almost the globalazation  had to be slow. Just with the pass of the years Chilean men started to see normally their wives out of their homes.  And one of the main reasons of this change was the men participation on the Second Mundial War; it meant that the women had to work for economical reasons and also take care of their homes and children.
Nowadays mostly of women cases are so far away from taking completely care about keeping the cleaning or just be all day long at home, even when this could affect their marital situation.
In addition in the 2005 Chile lived an important change in terms of politics. The first woman arrives at the government as president of the Nation, this situation pushed woman to create new options to their lives and also value this capacities at the moment of getting jobs. It also had a global impact, because we were still used to see just men controlling everything.
So nowadays our society is prepared for seeing Chilean woman as a multifunctional entity, good at working, at taking care of their children, and home obligations are also in some casesa shared work with their husbands. Of course mostly of the cases are of this way, however are still too many other who think in a chauvanistic way.